A Short Talk on Two Types of Glass: A micro Review of Vernal & Sere Theatre’s Production of Anne Carson’s “The Glass Essay”
The sum total of the production—script, direction, acting, set design, lighting, projection, movement, music, etc.—is not merely an adaptation of Carson’s text, but a radical transformation of it, and in doing so, VST give us their most ambitious work to date.
a self refracted in vernal & Sere’s the glass essay
Not only does VST’s The Glass Essay succeed on every technical level, it also grants me a glimpse of something I think I always sensed at play in the poem but never quite understood: the idea that the self is a prism composed of myriad refractions… and / or that each self is one refracted version of a much larger prism -- a “body of us all.”
A conversation between Alex Vila and Sawyer Estes, writer-director of Hurrricane Season.